September: The Review.

September came and went, taking away the last bits of summer that we had, but bringing the first signs of what promises to be an amazing autumn.
Before the month even started I knew that I wasn't going to have anything as exciting as I had in past months and to be quite honest, that excited me, I don't remember when was the last time I got time to focus merely on school, work and myself.
Most of my goals were pretty personal, I knew that my diet had to change because of my braces, I knew that I wanted to keep working out because I was starting to see some changes in my body, but I also knew I didn't wanted to put myself under a lot of pressure, I wanted to relax and let life follow it's path.
The first days I focused on work, I knew there was a lot that needed to get done and a lot more was to come and even though I'm grateful for having such a flexible job, sometimes it can become overwhelming, mostly because this was my first time going back after the summer.
Then there was school, I knew I had a lot to catch up on with, there were a lot of things I missed, a lot of things I didn't do during the first two weeks of the semester, but also a lot of things that I started to neglect for later, I hate leaving big projects and papers till last, because I know they are not going to be as good as others, so I invested most of my time into getting everything organised and then doing it.
Health wise everything was good, I haven't been having as much trouble as I've had in the past but it all went down hill in the last few days of the month, I got a stomach flu and I was feeling terrible, but as I couldn't eat for a while I started to feel horrible and dizzy, and my back pain is still there. But one thing I liked is that I'm actually doing more physical activity and eating cleaner.
Social wise, I wasn't pretty good this month, I figured I had a lot in my plate already to put more into the mix, but I indeed messaged them a bit more and it was nice to support them a little bit more through their back to school too.
It was a good month, a pretty chilled one, other than my sickness, nothing major happened and I'm quite happy with the things I got to accomplish, I have that sense of satisfaction over everything I got done, but I also feel like I can work a little bit better, I want to become that person I always dreamed of being.

Mayte B Marcial

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