About Me

I'm Mayte, a 20 year old "In-Betweener" that loves to write and share day to day experiences with the world. About three years ago I discovered that I suffered from anxiety and my world came crumbling down, I didn't know what to do, where to go or who to talk to. At the time I isolated myself, leaving everything and everyone I knew behind. 
One person helped me get my life back on it's feet and I will always be grateful for that, I started working on myself ever since, I reconnected with old friends that took me back and supported me.
About two years ago, I was struggling with expressing how I felt, so an idea flew through my mind, a blog, I loved to write but never thought of doing it like this, little by little, this space became mine and the work and effort I put into it grew. It has changed a lot since then, from the appearance, to the name, it has been a work in progress ever since and I love it. 
I've documented my life in here, from up's and happy times, to down's and endless crying nights, from accidents. to family reunions, from trips, to lazy nights, a few months ago I decided to be more open with the things I post in here, sharing a bit of my life and friends, but lately I've been wanting to share more of my passions like travelling, photography, books, music, food and style.
And that's where I am in my life right now, trying to figure out what I want to do, discovering who I am but most importantly enjoy the adventure that my life is.

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