Back into a Routine

Balancing life is pretty hard, mostly because it's something you have to learn how to do on your own, there's not magic way of doing it, there's not even a process that will make it easier, everyone has different priorities and different ways of organising their life.
All of this has been rummaging my life because lately, I've been pretty lazy, I haven't had full control of my life, I've been missing deadlines, important ones, appoinments, dates and that's not something that happens too often, but when it happens it makes me reevaluate how I'm prioritizing my life, how am I keeping myself organised.
I can't lie, most of it has been because of me, I have been leaving important things for "later" and half of the time later is one night before deadline, the rest I've been forgetting and that has been hurting my grades and work a lot.
The other day something really weird happened to me, every night before bed, I would brush my teeth, put my hair in a bun, wash my face, change into my pj's and put away what I've been wearing, then I like to plan my next day and read a little before falling asleep, but that day I realised that I haven't been doing any of that in the past 2 or 3 weeks, so when I did it again I though "Mmm, I should do this every night"
The lack of a routine has been disturbing my days in a really bad way, I don't get anything done, I oversleep, I'm even grumpy, I forget my vitamins, I don't buy groceries, if you have seen "Sponge Bob" when he has a freak out because he doesn't remember one name and little Sponge Bobs are losing it and setting everything on fire, that's me, that's how I feel my life it's right now.
I get that sometimes things happen and that takes us out of a routine, but I've been like this for a long time, I feel like it's already time to start working on it and feeling better about myself, I've been in a really weird funk lately.
This type of posts are to get things of off my chest, I feel like I tend to not talk about any of this with anyone because one, I'm really crappy at instant messaging and two, I feel like it's dumb and fixable if I dedicate enough time into it, which I will, I promise, no more complaining.

Mayte B Marcial

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