Flip the Pages

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, said Jojen. The man who never reads lives only one.”
George R.R. Martin
Read, there's no secret in me saying that I love reading, I read 70+ books a year, mostly romance and drama, although I also love reading a little bit of suspense and crime. Either a magazine, a book or an ebook, you'll never find me without something I can read.
At first it was something I was able to do to escape the real world, involving myself in imaginary stories, falling in love with the douche that suddenly converts itself to this knight in shiny armour to save the pretty damsel in distress.
Then I realised that there was more to a book than that, there are a million and one thoughts of what's going to happen with each character and if there's going to become a series, the plot, the storyline, everything has to be really thought out.
It became one of my main activities on a day to day basis, there isn't a day in which I don't read something and that has not only helped me improve my vocabulary in english and spanish, but it also helps me relax.
There are many benefits to reading, most of which I've talked a lot of in the past, but instead of reading because it's going to improve your memory or lower your stress levels, do it because you like it, there are millions of books out there for you to chose from.
If you aren't a fellow reader, ask for a recommendation from someone, you'll be surprised by the amazing titles you'll be able to find, or go to a bookstore, see what rings your bell, whatever you do, remember to give it a fair shot, the first 100 pages are crucial in any book.
Reading helps nourish the soul.

Mayte B Marcial

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