PD| Aquarium

There are many places to visit in this city, we have a lot of museums and places of interest, unfortunately, I haven't been one of those that go out and look for adventure as much as you would think, but as I've said it way to many times, I'm trying to look out more and visit new places. 
Last month I had the opportunity to visit the Aquarium we have in the city, I went with the Summer Course kids and teachers, and even when it wasn't my favourite, there a lot of things I enjoyed a lot, I have one picture where a little 4 year old is looking into a screen with eyes and mouth open in amusement, it's one of my personal favourites but unfortunately I have to keep it for myself as I can't upload it, anyway, here are some of my favourites.

Some pictures were taken by team mates, as I was taking care of 10 kids, I didn't had time to take perfect pictures, but I'm pretty happy with the result and it always helps to bring back great memories, hope you like this little visit to the aquarium as much as I did.

Mayte B Marcial

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