August: The Resolutions

August is starting and it means that this year is already coming to an end, it almost makes me feel nostalgic, I've been doing so much and enjoying it that I almost don't want it to end, but anyway, here we are, another month, another set of goals.
This month I want it to be different, I'm going to still have a job and re-start school, but there are many things I want to get done, many of which need a lot of hard work in order to get done, something I'm willing to do, I like working in order to get my dreams turned into reality, that's why this month is more balanced to that side of working to get somewhere and doing what I love.

Personal Goals
  • Write more, I love writing but I don't do it as much as you would think.
  • Be healthier, I'm on the right track, I already started, I just have to keep pushing myself forward.
  • Visit new places, you all know how much I love this, so this month, I want to wanderlust even if it's just around the city. 
  • Be productive and organised, this has stayed a lot in here for the past months, but it's something I'll always want, as I said, I want things and in order to have them, I have to work hard for them.
  • Try new things, even if it's just one a month, I want to do it, I only have certain amount of time here to live and do this. 
  • Be happy with myself, with the world, with everyone and everything, I want to spread positiveness.
Blog Goals
  • Share topics I feel passionate about, I started with music and books, but I want to keep going and really show you what I love.
  • Feel good about what I share, I feel like the more time I dedicate to this blog, the more important it is to share things I love but also love the way I share them, it means more work but I'm down to that. 
  • Take time for myself, sometimes I need to remember that I also need time for me. 
  • Be patience, because it's a virtue I don't own. 
  • Enjoy my family and friends, I love them and sometimes I think I don't deserve them. 
There may seem like a lot of things, but I want to keep going on certain direction, I said it before, but I want to start figuring out what the hell do I want to do later in my life, I want to go out and discover.

Mayte B Marcial

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