New Adventures

For a long time I've been working on myself, on my grades, on my exterior self, I haven't been taking risks, I've been keeping everything pretty safe and just being a person that at heart, I know I'm not like, but talking with "Chef" she gave that last push I needed to take a look into my life and realise that not everything is work and grades, maybe I do need a bit of an adrenaline rush in my life from time to time.
But I'm also aware that as much fun as this sounds, not for everyone is as easy as we think, not for everyone is as easy to say yes and take a risk, it takes time and a lot of effort, but here are something that have been working for me:
Try new things, instead of going for your usual things, try something new, a new dish, a new type of food, a different path on your way home, it doesn't matter how big or small it is or how much you either love it or hate it, what matters is that you start taking little steps out of your comfort zone.Be spontaneous.
Have partners in crime, I'm lucky enough to have a few friends that love doing crazy things like me, surround yourself with positive minds that are going to lead you to be more adventurous, but this doesn't mean that you have to surround yourself with  dangerous people, just people that like to be more open and that are willing to be out of their comfort zone.
Remember that you only get one life, you don't get second chances, make a list of everything you want to do, make your wishes come true, fight for them, we are only here for a minimal period of time, take advantage of it.
Take new opportunities, sometimes those little opportunities have more than what you see, even the smallest ones can bring you joy and some bigger opportunities that can lead you to more adventures, never say no to an opportunity because you think is not big enough for you.
Say yes, we like to say no to things we don't know about, we are afraid of what may happen if we say yes, take some risks, say yes instead of saying no out of fear, find new chances by doing this.
Find a balance, not everything is work and not everything is adventures, you may have months filled with adventures and new things, you may have down months and that's okay, as much as we would want to have everything, we need to find a balance and have a bit of everything, so find a time to work and a time to be adventurous, never leave something undone because you were doing something else, make the most of your time.
Take care of yourself, to be able to do all the above you need to be in good condition, don't take short cuts and leave your health behind, without health you don't have anything, listen to your body, if it asks you to have some down town, have it, if it asks you to not eat something. listen to it, if something doesn't feel right, go to your doctor, but never leave your health for later. If you don't take care of yourself, no one is going to do it.
This is not by any means a method, this are just a few things that have been taking me out of my comfort zone and have been making me more open to what's to come, I'm more open to saying yes now, although I'm still finding a balance, as always.

Mayte B Marcial

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