What Christmas is About

While everyone gathers around the table, I ask myself how much our lives have changed in this past year, we look more like a family than we did before. It's funny how we all look different from the outside, yet from the inside we have a lot in common. We all are stubborn, hard to understand and that may have brought us apart at some point, but now is what is bringing us together.
I don't think anyone remembers when was the last time we did something like this, it's been a long time, life has brought us together again, now that we are sitting around to have dinner, I can see why we all get along and fight so much at the same time.
This year is not about the presents or expensive gifts that we can give to each other, this year is about bonding and doing what we should have done many years ago, being a family, not a close one but a functional, loving one, not one that looks like a photo from a magazine, that would be trying to hard, we are a family that laughs and doesn't tries to look good in front of others.
Christmas this year is not like any other, not for me, all of the things that have happened this year have make me realise how gifts don't make for a happy day, they are a plus, what makes for a happy day is being with your loved ones enjoying the day together, doing what they love, bonding, spending time together, laughing until we cry, talking, catching up on the latest news, celebrating the latest achievement, eating, drinking, dancing, singing, even getting drunk together, doing what we love the most, it doesn't matter the activity as long as you do it with someone that's close to you.
Sometimes we forget what Christmas is about, sometimes we get submerged in a materialistic world, I know that not everyone celebrates Christmas, I know that some people even hate it because they think that is all about the presents, the tree and spending money, but it's not, this season is about traditions and your family.
Now that's Christmas morning I wish you to have a merry day, filled with joy with your loved ones, doing what you love the most, laughing and taking this time to appreciate the ones you have close to you and what you have.
Have a holy jolly Christmas, we might be old enough, but we are not done hoping. 

Mayte B Marcial

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