15 Lessons I Learned on 2015

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This year I learned that the most important things in life cannot be touched or even seen, they are inside of every single one of us, the more time I spend with my loved one, the more I realise this.
I learned that it doesn't matter how far your are, blood always brings us back together, we are a family and no matter how hard of difficult life gets, together we can do it.
I learned that it's okay not to be happy or look perfect all the time, no one can do that, we all have moments or days where we don't want to do anything or we are too tired or something happened, it's okay, no one is happy all the time.
I learned that if you compare yourself, you'll never be happy, you are unique, there's no one like your and that makes you special, someone out there is going to see that, don't worry about being better than someone else, worry about being yourself.
I learned that the moment you start doing thing for yourself, life will get easier and you'll be happier, people is hard to please, never try to do something to make others like you.
I learned that your friends are not the people you see the most, your real friends are the ones you can count on, no matter how bad the situation is, they are the ones that worry about you and try to help you.
I learned that you cannot force anything, if it's meant to be, it's going to happen, if it doesn't, well you can't do much.
I learned that your decisions should be taken in consideration no matter how bad they are, but with that privilege you have to be able to accept if you were wrong.
I learned that growing doesn't mean that you have to be old and boring, you can still be a kid, you can let your inner kid play around, there are times and places for everything.
I learned to accept critics as long as they make me grow to be better, hater can talk all they want, at the end of the day they are the ones spending their energy in a bad way.
I learned that your taste in anything only concerns to you, one thing is to make recommendations and other really different one is to make others feel bad for what they like.
I learned that respect and equality are a most if you want to be treated the same way, respect is something you win, not something you ask for.
I learned that drinking water or eating healthy does not take away the delicious part of life, you can still eat anything you want, only in moderation.
I learned that you can lead the life you want as long as you fight for it, nothing worth having comes easy, there's no magic, there's no easy way to make life easier, you can fight for what you want or you can wait for something to happen, at the end of the day you have enough power to make your life change, don't be chained to anything and you are more than what people think. You are the driver of your that truck that's your life, you are the one deciding who gets in and who is out, you decide where you are headed.

Mayte B Marcial

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