Rise and Shine

Mornings can be really hard on everyone, it doesn't matter how well or bad you slept, no one really likes having to leave the comfort of their bed to start living life, for those and many reasons you may not like today's habit.
Instead of setting your alarm at your normal wake up time, set it for 10 min earlier, before you freak out, read what's next. Even when waking up early is really hard at the beginning, it has many benefits, because the earlier you start, the chances of you running late lessen and you'll be able to greet the day on a better note.
Use those extra ten minutes in the morning to wake your body up, stretch, relax, take deep breaths and think about something you would want to accomplish that day, then, without checking your phone, get up and start your day with a smile.
It's hard, but you'll get more out of that day and you'll feel more accomplished when you go to bed.
"“Life is too short,” she panicked, “I want more.” He nodded slowly, “Wake up earlier.”"
Dr. SunWolf

Mayte B Marcial

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