Reset and Organise

When was the last time you took it upon yourself to clean your space and keep it that way for longer than two days, it can be really hard as we often don't find enough time to do it, but working and living in a clean space has many health benefits.
Not only does it help you prevent sickness, but it also helps you keep a clear mind while working as physical clutter often leads to mental clutter. It can also make you more productive and will give a sense of accomplishment through those working hours. 
This weekend take a couple of hours to clean your home and working space, put everything where it should be (without taking the functionality away), and try to enjoy the process, focus on what you are doing and instead of stressing on how much you have left to put away, think of how much better it looks and how good you feel working/living in this space. Remember that this doesn't mean your place has to look perfect or magazine like, clean doesn't compete with lived-in. 
An easy way to keep everything clean and organised is by putting everything away before you go to bed. Reset your home every night. 
“Too many things in too small a space cut off flow, block creativity, and bury beauty, much like a bad cold can make it hard to breathe. Remove things from this space today.” 
Laura Staley

Mayte B Marcial

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