WR| The ComeBack

And we are back to normal, at least for most of it, half of this week has gone in a blur for me, mostly because going back to school and work showed to be harder than anticipated. After a week of sleeping in "late" (I usually wake up at 6am, so waking up past 8am was a real treat for me), having to push myself out of bed in time for class was a real challenge.
Monday was a coffee day, it was one of those days in which the only coherent thought that goes around your head has to do with coffee, so after a good latte and a good catch up with my friends in class I met with "Jolie" to go to "Chef's" restaurant, to then see "Sourire" and talk just a little bit with him. It was really nice to be able to see those friends I rarely see and just talk, eat or even enjoy a cigarette as the afternoon fades away.
Tuesday and Wednesday were exams days, I'm not one to do terribly in exams but that doesn't mean I enjoy them, I usually answer what I know and then I try to remember the rest, lucky for me those exams were quite easy, I was still recovering from my holiday and other than studying or catching up with work, I didn't do much else.
Thursday was a "me" day as I did everything I was meant to be doing throughout the week, like cleaning my spaces, organising my desk and catching up with my agendas, which let me tell you, it isn't as easy as it sounds, if it were, I would do it more often and be on top of that, but I have to accept that I indeed got a sense of accomplishment when everything was nice and put away. My mind had time to fully relax then.
Friday was a work day, I was quite lazy with my tasks in the past few days and although I don't have piles and piles of work, I do have somethings that need to be taken care of, plus I really want to invest more time in one of my projects, because I haven't been paying that much attention and I feel like I neglected the poor project down.
And that's all for now, hope you had an amazing week, keep your spirit high for the last week of the month and remember to keep on dreaming.

Mayte B Marcial

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