ST| The Tattoos

They say that your twenties are for you to discover who you are, who you want to become and do stupid things. I wanted to do something stupid, something that represents the inbetweener I'm being right now, something that represented who I started to became when I was 19th, a tattoo.
A few months back I started talking "Jolie" and "Chef" about this, I didn't wanted to do any of this by myself and they are supportive enough to laugh and think about it, we had arguments back and forth, until one day when we went out "Chef" and me, I told her about us having a tattoo roulette between the three of us.
Basically in our birthdays we were going to make little papers, one of them was going to have tattoo written on it and that person was going to get something that represented the birthday girl, pretty easy and simple, the only one that still has doubts is "Jolie" but we'll get there.
"Jolie" works, "Chef" studies, I study and work, seeing each other is quite hard, so we decided to wait until "Spring Break" to see each other, mean time we all decided that maybe this was the time to get that personal tattoo we all wanted, something that represented something in our life.
I made the appointment with one of my old friends, but there were holes in that plan, as all of you know my life schedule sometimes changes in the blink of an eye, so when my mum told me we were going to make an impromptu trip to visit my grandma, my plan with them was in danger.
That Sunday night I cancelled with them but not with the tattooist, the plan was this, I was going to surprise them before they met the tattooist in his studio, it was going to be a surprise, but again that plan had holes as I didn't anticipated how many things I had to do before this.
I ran through town that day, I started at 8 am on the dot, trying to get everything done, getting weird looks from my parents as I was going to be in "Spring Break" "sleeping", I did everything before 10 am which was quite an accomplishment, but I was running late and had to call them.
"Where are you" I think I'm developing an aversion to saying hello on phone calls or messages, I like getting to the point, anyway, even when they were surprised I didn't get to see their faces as I told them to wait for me, but I have to say, I love to see them every time I can.
But again, if things happened according to plan, life would be so boring, the tattooist mixed the appointments and now we had to wait until 3 pm, we had 4 hours to kill, "Chef" being "Chef" had to go to downtown to pick a plate, a single plate, for a competition she is entering, so "Jolie" and I being "Jolie" and I decided that it was a good idea for us to go with her and then go for some sushi, which "Jolie" said she hated but never tried any with us.
We walked through downtown, got what we wanted, talked about sex, and got "Jolie" to say that she liked sushi, "Chef" and I were so happy with ourselves, as we headed back, the nervousness started to get into "Chef" and me trying to annoy her didn't helped that much either. I swear two of us can be kids  until one of us plays the mum and tells us to shut up.
"Chef" was the one that had her idea setted, she wanted elephants on her ribs that represented her family, she was the first one, I volunteered to hold her hand while I talked with "Jolie" about what she might get, I've never seen "Chef" in pain or complain, she the strongest one, I saw her flinch and shake from the pain, but she took it like a champ.
Next was "Jolie" that choose a tattoo that represented the three of us, three tea cups on her forearm, I volunteered again to hold her hand because even when "Chef" said she was okay I saw her a little pale, she was in pain but again, took it like a champ, she was in so much control of herself that she didn't hurt my hand until the end.
My hand hurt, but it was all so worthy, unfortunatelly as I had a ravel the next day to the beach I wasn't able to get it done, thing that neither of them were happy but I promised that on "Chef's" Birthday I was going to get it done, maybe the next time you see a title like this I'll explain my experience instead of theirs.
Maybe the day didn't went according to plan as I had to rush to see "Artiste" for at least ten minutes, maybe it would be better if I spent more time relaxing or following a plan, but I wouldn't change anything about this days, they way they are spontaneous is what makes them better and more memorable.

Mayte B Marcial

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