
"A ​feeling of ​pleasure and also ​slight ​sadness when you ​think about things that ​happened in the past"
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Memories than can hurt but that at the same time can make you smile, sounds crazy but we all have some of those on our backs, every time we move on, we take memories and moments away with us, even when we don't want them.
The other day I was craving a cigarette, the thought of it made me nostalgic, I started smoking when I went to high school because some of my friends did it and it was what they did, I learned and did it actively for maybe three years in which I came to enjoy it and hate it, through it I made a lot of friendships and learned a lot. I left it behind when I came to college because I realised how much money I was wasting and also I didn't enjoy it as much as I used to.
As I headed to the place that sells them outside school I found a friend from my English classes that I left like 4 months ago, she was smoking and hearing music, something about felt familiar, I remembered the way I used to do the same while waiting for my next class and as I did with her, someone would sit besides me and smoke along while we talked about the latest news.
The talk kept moving and we learned about each other, it was just like old times where cigarettes made the chat go smoother, it was like the smoke was taking away from us the fear of being judged, like we thought we belonged more this way. 
We waived goodbye with a promise to do it another time, no date, no time setted, just the promise, that's when I came to the realisation that maybe it wasn't about the cigarette and the peace it gave me, it was about the people, that unsaid promise to meet again, that talk that flowed and felt natural, maybe that's why I liked to go out and smoke that evening cigarette...
I remember the last time I saw him, he had a cigarette hanging off his lips while laughing with his friends, his eyes shining from the street lights, as he moved his attention his lips curved into a bigger smile, he hugged me like it was going to be the last time, maybe he knew what was going to happen...

Mayte's Note: I know that in here I mention cigarettes but I by any means trying to make you smoke, it can become an addition and it can cause you many diseases, don't do it because you want to fit in, don't do it if someone is pressuring you and most importantly think that by smoking you are giving a company money to give you cancer. 
Mayte's Note 2: If you know someone that does it, don't pressure him into quitting it, it can be annoying and it can make that person stick to the vicio a lot more, talk to them and help, no pressure. 
Mayte's Note 3: I said it in there but just in case I didn't made myself clear, I don't really smoke anymore other than some parties and when someone around me is talking and is having one, which can be one every two months or even once a year.
Mayte's Note 4: If you do smoke, enjoy it and if someone tries to help you quit and you are not ready tell them that, don't need to be rude, just think about it.

Mayte B Marcial

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