WR| The Reunion

Coming into this week I knew I was going to be busy, being the beginning of the month it was natural for me to have a lot to do, but never in a million years would I have guessed that I was going to be meeting up with two of my old time friends and that on top of that I was going to be enjoying the time with one of them. 
I knew I had a lot to do, being the beginning of the month and how behind I was on my research after coming out of the nasty cold that hit me last week, but nonetheless I started and felt quite motivated to do what I needed to maybe get ahead, it didn't happen.
Monday was a good work day, I wrote, I researched, I worked out and did everything that was on my to-do list but that's when the fun ended. It's almost like the next events sucked the energy and life out of me. 
When Tuesday rolled around I got nervous, I went for my usual run but was unable to end, suddenly everything was bothering me and seeing that there were many people training and taking up the whole trail I decided that it wasn't going to be the day for me to enjoy it. Later I went for lunch with someone I used to be really close to and seeing her put me down, I know we both talked about making it work but once you realise how there's nothing left, what else can you do?
My wednesday was clouded by everything that happened and suddenly I had no energy, I cleaned but was unable to focus on any task. It's disheartening to realise how much you can grow part from someone you used to be really close with. 
Thursday I met up with one of my middle school friends, we hadn't talked in about four years and althougth it was weird at the beginning I can now tell you that I enjoyed the time I got to spend with her, we catched up, we ate and I lost track of time until I realised it was dark outside. 
As I write this and reflect on how my week was I can tell you that I feel confused but somewhat in peace, those two "broken" friendships were always something I would carry on my back, it was part of my baggage and now seeing that I was right about one and surprised to reconnect with the other,I feel calmer and even lighter. I don't know what's going to happen but I want to let time fix things and enjoy what I have now. 
Have a good week and remember to keep on dreaming. 

Mayte B Marcial

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