March: The Review

Saying that this month has been interesting may be the understatement of the year. A lot has happened, many tears have been sheed, changes have been happening and I know deep down that happiness is going to come out at some point. There's still more to do.
The beginning of the month was slow but exciting, I had a bit more work than other months, I received good news from my dentist and doctor as everything I thought was wrong with my body was a simple flu that attacked me for the first four days of the month.
I reunited with old friends and realised that most of the times good intentions aren't good enough. It's hard to let a friendship go and it hurt me a lot but I've come to terms with it. Once you realise there's nothing else for me to do, it's better to walk off and end on good terms than fight over little things.
I also saw a really old friend, one I hadn't seen in over 4 years and it was nice to catch up, talk and enjoy the time we had. I doubt we are going to be as strong as we used to in the past, but it's nice to clean the dirt from the past and see how far we've come.
I travelled, I haven't done that in quite a long while, I went to Morelia on a quick trip and really enjoyed the views and the weather. It was a quick trip but one I enjoy more and more every time I go and seeing some of my family members was an added plus for sure.
And all of the sudden I had a week off, or at least with less on my list. I was looking so much to it that even my desire to sleep more than 7 hours came back. I read 4 or 5 books that week and deep cleaned my room. It was as amazing as it sounds and if I could I would have one day like that every single week.
And to top of a good month now comes Spring break, one week of no responsibilities and no early mornings, which for me is going to be well received. I'm indeed going to enjoy the extra time to work on some projects without having the stress of having other things to do.
Plus, I'm having one of my wisdom teeth removed the first days and that can only mean ice cream and bed for me. I'm happy, I'm excited, I have a lot more to do.
Being the superstitious woman I am I'll hold back in some news because I'm too afraid of jinxing it, but maybe in June I'll receive news that will define the next two years of my life, but who knows. For now I'll leave with well wishes and remember to keep on dreaming.

Mayte B Marcial

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