
Memories are reminders of the lessons you once learned. Some are good, some are bad, some come with a smell, a sound or even a place, but unfortunately for all of us, they don't last forever, someday at some point of your life you are going to forget everything.
It's hard to think about it, to think about all of those amazing moments that someday no one is going to remember, they'll be part of the past but still be part of your essence.
I've been thinking a lot about this lately, about the way I met my closest friends, the way I learned not to trust a guy just because he talks like one of those characters from my favourite books, all the lessons I learned and once passed to people who needed them the most are going to be forgotten, so why not share them.
I write a lot, I share a lot, but there have been so many experiences that I've kept to myself that I can easily keep going for a while, but what's fun about keeping them for myself? I want for us to take a stroll down memory lane.
Those memories remind me of who I was and who I want to become, they show a different side of me, a different girl to the one that's writing this right now. You'll meet a shy girl with a passion for food, a problem with her body and a girl with a purpose that she was yet to discover.
There will be tears, there will be laughter but at the end it'll all be worthy because someone out there is going to read them and enjoy them and if I ever forget them, I'll have a place to look back to and smile once again.
I want you to see that no, it hasn't been easy and being who I am today, I still struggle with some of this memories and how they have haunted me for a while. Maybe this will also take a weight off of my shoulders. I just hope you get to enjoy them as much as I did and remember to keep on dreaming.

Mayte B Marcial

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