WR| Sickness & Bad Moods

If you were to ask me how my week went, I would probably say that it was a bad one, not because something bad happened but because I got sick and not even slightly sick but really sick, the kind of sick that gets you to be sent home for how bad you look.
Monday was a day off from everything, it was a bank holiday and I truly used it for that, I didn't do a thing related to work or anything else, but to spend time with my family and just relax, it's not usual that we get those days to not do anything.
Tuesday a stay at home day, I didn't do much but clean my room and put things where they belonged.
Wednesday was probably the most productive day out of all of them, I went to class, got there early (for the first time since the semester begun), went to a coffee shop to work for about 3 full hours without distractions, caught up in all the papers I was supposed to hand on Saturday, wrote like three posts and then I went to my social service hours. I was shattered by the end of the day but it was worthy.
Thursday is when everything started going downhill, I knew it from the moment I got up, I've had high fever during the night, but the stuffy nose, red eyes and aching body told me that my suspicions were real, I was coming down with something and it was not going to be nice. But just my luck, I couldn't go home, I had a meeting scheduled for that day and it was all or nothing right there.
Friday was even worst, I woke up, took a shower and faced the day, let me tell you, facing the day when you are sick is never a good idea. By four I was feeling terrible, breaking down and the only thing in my mind was my bed, but I had paperwork and a meeting for that afternoon. The rest of the afternoon was spent between chinese food and hamburgers at the pure Gilmore Girls' style.
And now Saturday (which I don't tend to include) I feel a little bit more human but I still feel like crap, I don't know where all of this sickness is coming from, I'm not one to be sick all the time but when it indeed happens I feel like the world is crumbling down, I hope that I can start the week feeling better and less stuffy and swollen. All I seem to have in the agenda for today is work and homework, so I better hurry if I really want to have a few nap hours.
Hope you had a better week than this, this week I'm actually playing a little bit with all Valentine's Day themes, have a great week and keep on dreaming.

Mayte B Marcial

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