If you could change one thing...

Last week I went to an interview, one of the questions stock with me: If you could go back and be able to change one thing what would it be and what would you do?
For a lot of people that would be easier to answer: I would go back to school and actually enter my classes", "I would go after him/her/ and hold him/her forever". But would you really want to go and do that, even if that means losing everything you have now or changing who you've become and everything you've done to get here?
There are different answers for different people, some would like to change everything because they may think it was better the way it was before, some wouldn't because they like where they are know and that's not a bad thing, as I said, for every person it's different.
But think about it in this way, it's easy to look back, to see how much you failed, to see the pain and try to heal it, but it really takes a lot of strength to learn how to get up after that fight, to let the wounds heal, to look into the future and actually try something new or plan something different.
My answer? I wouldn't change a thing, it took me a long time to let those wounds heal and in that time I actually learned a lot about myself, my anxiety, about who I was and who I want to become and you never really know what would happen if you keep moving forward unless you try it.
Our pasts are there, we can't escape them, we can't change them, but you can either learn from them or be tortured by everything you did.

Mayte B Marcial

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