
No matter what happens, you know they are going to be there, no matter how bad you feel, you know they are going to have your back, no matter how lonely you feel when they are apart, you know they are always going to be right there for you.
When you are little they come as a bunch, no one cares about who you are, what you have to give or who your parents are, communication comes easy and even when you don't say much, if you find your true buddy in there, you may be settled for life.
As we grow and life gets harder, finding people you can connect with becomes more a task than something that's just meant to come, people realise more about you and who you are, they begin to judge a book by it's cover, but even then, there are people that find their way into your life.
But then you discover that there are two types of friendship, the ones that are real with you, that are going to be there even when you talk every three months or the ones that are just there to pick up what's to give and move on, without you.
Finding friends is hard, keeping in touch as life gets crazier is too, but once you've found those true friends, everything just comes, everything seems easy around them, even when you don't seem to talk as much as you used to, the connection stays there forever and that's when you know it's real.
Stay with the ones that are pushing you forward, with the ones that encourage you to be the best you can, to the ones that answers your calls when you need it the most, with the ones that are going to support you through rough times. And remember that you have to give as much as you receive, because you never know when they may need you.

Mayte B Marcial

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