Of Parents and Growing Pains.

Everyone fights with their parents, it's a fact of life, something that happens even when you get along with them.
As we grow up and start making new friendships and meeting new people, we start to expand our knowledge and we start to think that we know everything about life, that our parents don't know anything about being young because for them it was so long and life changes.
I was that rebellious teenager that thought I had everything figured out, by the time I was 16 I thought my life was perfect, I had a big group of friends, I was getting invited to the hottest parties in the city, everyone wanted to get along with me and if they didn't, that was their problem not mine, my ego was huge at that time.
But then everything started to go down, I lost all of those things I thought I had, my parents stopped supporting me, those that I called "friends" left me at the first sight of trouble and I was left alone dealing with my problems, my recently discovered anxiety and trying to pick up the pieces of my life, because I needed to graduate.
I was so close to breaking the relationship with them, there was a point where my mum and I wouldn't talk at all, we were strangers living under the same roof, my dad became a referee between the two of us and let me tell you, that's not a good way of living.
It took me awhile to understand that maybe they were right, I didn't knew everything and that was okay, because at the end I'm still learning.
They let me fall, hit the ground and realise how much disappointments hurt, that not everyone is going to be your friend, but most importantly, that even when you fall and it hurts, you have to get up and keep going.
I appreciate them a lot more now, it took a few months for our relationship to go back to normal, but it was worthy, I now understand where they come from and why they tell me what they tell me, I'm not always right and they are not always right, but we are learning and that's what counts.

Mayte B Marcial

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