
It's not about being weak...
Everyone has been in that situation where you feel like a small person and you start feeling really vulnerable.
Sometimes we try to hide our feelings to try to "protect" us, well that doesn't really helps but hurts you more. Sometimes we tend to be to rough with ourselves, we try to be perfect and we hide our real selves from the world.
We hate to show that we're vulnerable, we don't like getting hurt, but sometimes we need that, we need to feel vulnerable and know ourselves, in order to be a better person, love us the way we are and accept that sometimes we are vulnerable. We need to open our hearts to get better. We need to show us vulnerable to know our strength.
“To share your weakness is to make yourself vulnerable; to make yourself vulnerable is to show your strength.”  Criss Jami
So the next time you feel vulnerable remember is not a sing of weakness, is the door to knowledge about ourselves, and a way of accepting that nobody is perfect. Don't be to harsh with yourself.

“The strongest love is the love that can demonstrate its fragility.”Paulo Coelho, Eleven Minutes

Thanks for reading and never forget to be yourself!

Mayte B Marcial

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