Midnight Talks...

It's not midnight, but I really can't sleep and I've been feeling terrible, apparently I haven't been eating that well, I have been missing hour of sleep and my body is starting to get angry at me. When the year started I was sure that this was going to be a though one and that I had huge plans but I never that I would end up suffering like this.
So here is an update, for the past 2 1/2 weeks I have been missing meals and hours of sleep and not on purpose, after having to deal with the whole back to school stress, I had to start dealing with work, some problems and I was with a super strong feeling that I was going to be able to accomplish that and more. Well I was wrong, I started feeling really tired all the time, my parents noticed that too, I had so much pressure on me, that I didn't noticed that I stopped doing simple stuff. My body was hating me, I had my breaking point last Wednesday when I wasn't able to stand up for too long and I had the worst headache, I stayed in bed and after that I was feeling pretty good, and I went back to the same stuff the next day, by Friday I was feeling terrible, I went to class and I had lunch with my parents. I went for a nap and when I woke up to go for dinner I was feeling super weak and my throat was sore. After that everything went down for me, I went to bed and slept like 4 hours, woke up and my throat was sore, it hurt really badly and I was feeling really crappy.
When my parents heard me they worried and took my to see my doctor, well I have a really bad throat infection, I'm feeling weak because my body is over-working, they are changing me to a healthier diet and I have to rest more.
And that's why I can't sleep, I feel bad because I was fine but I took more and I hurt my body really bad, my hole body hurts when I move. This is maybe the worst I have been in years, and I think I learned my lesson, I need to follow my advises and really take steps back, because life is going to be there and I need to be healthy to live it.
Thanks for reading and never forget to smile!

Mayte B Marcial

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