Facts about me...

We never get to meet completely a person...

Sometimes I like keeping thing to myself and sometimes that affects me more than it should. I decided to write about those random facts about me, that not all the people know.
  1. I suffer from anxiety.
  2. I hate crowded places.
  3. I feel uncomfortable if I'm surrounded by people.
  4. I haven't had that many relationships in my life.
  5. I think that everybody deserves a chance.
  6. I hold on to things or people.
  7. I love to sing.
  8. I love to dance.
  9. I hate to talk in front of a class or a small group of people.
  10. I can talk in front of a large group of people.
  11. Chocolate is my favourite candy.
  12. I hate spinach.
  13. I regret things about my past.
  14. I tend to speak up when I'm not ok with thing that are happening.
  15. People think that I'm really sociable and I'm not.
  16. I love coffee but I can't drink it.
  17. I love cheese.
  18. I used to smoke.
  19. I love wearing pyjamas.
  20. I'm not as lacy as everyone thinks.
  21. I believe that easy stuff is not worthy.
  22. I love writing.
  23. I had a diary, where I wrote about my first crush.
  24. I used to be really disorganised when I was in high school.
  25. If I know the lyrics, I'll sing it. 
  26. I don't know how to be discrete.
  27. I have weird dreams.
  28. I have to sleep with a blanket even if it's a hot night.
  29. I have trust issues.
  30. I don't trust in people that show off everything.
  31. I love football.
  32. My favourite team is Dallas.
  33. I spend more than I can accept.
  34. There was a point in my life where I had to go shopping everyday.
  35. I can't finish a meal.
  36. I can't sleep if I hear noises.
  37. I love sleeping.
  38. I usually have from two to three places to go on a day.
  39. I love babysitting.
  40. I love dogs.
  41. I accept cats, I wouldn't adopt one.
  42. I love cartoons.
  43. Friends is my favourite TV show.
  44. I haven't watch TV more than 2 hours a day since 2012.
  45. I tend to have headaches when I don't eat properly.
  46. I suffered from an eating disorder when I was 15.
  47. I don't enjoy super sweet food.
  48. I can't finish a lolly pop, I always bite them.
  49. I used to be aggressive, I worked on that.
  50. I love my curls.
  51. I love exercising but sometimes I think is boring.
  52. I get really nervous in interviews.
  53. My body developed when I was 14. 
  54. I had long hair and one day I chopped it, I don't regret it.
  55. I don't see my parents more than 3 hours a day but we call each other.
  56. My family sometimes is over protective with me.
  57. I love shopping clothes but not pants, I have big hips and they almost never fit properly.
  58. I can't swim properly.
  59. I'm terrified of heights, yet I faced because I love that feeling...
  60. I cried the first time I failed a exam.
  61. I love maths, I get bored of them quickly.
  62. I can't draw.
  63. I hate when people only notice my body.
  64. I believe that I'm quite smart but lacy.
  65. I take care of my stuff.
  66. I hate that other people touch my stuff .
  67. I never had a weird e-mail address.
  68. I like being free.
  69. I feel like I'm too young to know what love is.
  70. I love watching YouTube videos.
  71. Sarcasm is my second language.
  72. I don't know how I passed some of my classes in high school.
  73. My parents try to made me as independent as they could.
  74. I get lost everywhere. Maps is my best friend.
  75. There's an inside joke about me being around fire or knives.
  76. I tend to over react.
  77. I can't cross a street the "right way".
  78. My sign is not the same, it changes every time I have to sign something.
  79. I'm good at saving when I have to.
  80. I believe in true love but I don't like having relationships, I'm terrified of them.
  81. I have been in love like 2 times.
  82. I don't get why people tells me I'm pretty.
  83. I love old songs.
  84. I don't believe that being gay makes any difference, you are just another person. 
  85. I hate when people are disrespectful with waitress or people that are there to help you.
  86. I smile to people I don't know.
  87. My favourite colors are blue, orange and white.
  88. My closet only has 4 colours. Grey, black, blue and burgundy.
  89. If my feet or hands are cold, I'm cold. If my feet or hands are warm even if my arms or legs are cold, I don't mind it.
  90. I'm a grandma that loves reading in my couch with a cup of tea.
  91. I tend to crash with people everywhere.
  92. I like working on clean spaces.
  93. I hate when people are too close.
  94. I almost fell from a balcony because a guy wanted to kiss me.
  95. I love sunsets.
  96. I love fall because I was born on October.
  97. I love watching the moon at night.
  98. I drink a lot of water in classes, because it keeps me from falling sleep.
  99. I'm an all day and night kinda girl. I'm good at mornings and nights. 
  100. People see more of myself that I and sometimes that pisses me off.
And I have more but I believe that 100 are more that enough for know for now. Remember people are different in their own, unique way. Never judge without knowing.

Mayte B Marcial

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