
Decisions, decisions, decisions...
There are times where you are just stocked and you go back and forward with your problem, I've been there and you are never going to solve the problem, not like that. If you made a decision but you keep going back and forward from there, maybe is the right decision, sometimes is hard for us to make up our minds, because it involves something we love or we want by our side, but if you don't do something, it'll eat you up.
The more time you take to really make your mind, the more it'll hurt in the future, there are times where we believe that if we don't say anything, everything is going to keep their track or stay the same, well it's not and maybe it's going to get worst. I'm not telling it wont hurt (depending on the situation) or that it wont be hard but if you start taking more time than you should, you'll start confusing yourself up and everything can end up really bad. Don't make the process longer.

Don't fight the problem, decide it. George C. Marshall
Thanks for reading and never forget to be yourself!

Mayte B Marcial

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