
We made silent promises to ourselves, we promised to never leave each other's lives, no matter how bad the situation was, no matter what happened, we were always going to be there for each other to celebrate achievements, to talk when we need to, to make new decisions, or even to comfort each other in times when we may need it the most.
Those memories of us talking outside school will never fade away, the way we used to smoke and feel like adults even when we didn't know what was out there, the way we thought life was easy and we made the the most of it, laughing and not really thinking on consequences, because back then, life was easy.
But life has evolved since then, our high school is not ours any more, our addictions disappeared, others appeared, love came and went, sometimes it stayed for longer periods of time, sometimes it was a fling, a quick one. We became adults with responsibilities, we found our passions, we dedicated and those times faded away.
The memories are still there, they will always be, but this time it's different, we are making new ones, exciting ones, some on our own, some with good company.
Sometime in the future we may cross paths again, maybe we will laugh about those lost memories and how easy life seemed, maybe we will catch up on our lives, because we grew to be a family, we learned from each other and we'll miss them forever.
"No matter what happens, we will always stay together" 

Mayte B Marcial

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