The Bucket List

We all have things we want to do before we die, some are really adventurous, some go straight to crazy, but there are some that you can really do. I've been on and off of doing one, but talking with "Chef" I realised that maybe it's a good idea to have it, to inspire not only me, but others that may be looking for ideas, I started this one with her, but kept going, there are some that I've been wanting to do for a while, there are other that I want to do with someone else, but at the end, I want to do all of them.
-Go to SkyZone
-Jump off a trampoline.
-Go to Teotihuacan and see the night show.
-Volunteer in, at least, one place.
-Do selfless actions.
-Get drunk with "Chef" & "Jolie"
-Make a long trip by myself.
-Learn to play an instrument by myself.
-Learn a new language by myself.
-Visit every sightseeing place in this city.
-Make a chocolate cake.
-Get a "Friday the 13th" tattoo
-Kiss a stranger.
-Write a short story.
-Fall in love.
-Love unconditionally.
-Speak in a panel about anything.
-Go to a random class and learn something new.
-Write a song.
-Help someone I don't know.
-Support a foundation to help blind people.
-Gift something of mine, to someone that needs it more.
-Go to the "Cowboys" Stadium and watch a game.
-Learn how to throw a ball.
-Go to the "Red Socks" Stadium and watch a game.
-Go to a concert.
-Go to see a Broadway Musical
-Go to see a West End Musical
-Eat real Indian food.
-Eat something weird every place I visit.
-Learn how to drive a motorcycle.
-Take a plane to random place.
-Go on a long road trip to Canada.
-Visit the Niagara Falls.
-Eat Poutine.
-Learn how to cook with locals.
-Live for a week without internet or phone.
-Go on a cruise.
-Work on a library.
-Open my own café.
-Adopt a puppy.
-Volunteer in an animal shelter.
-Have my own art at my own place.
-See the sunset while being on a plane.
-See the sunrise while being on a plane.
-Plant a tree.
-Scream how much I love someone in a public place.
-Make a cab follow someone.
-Donate blood.
-Go vegetarian.
-Do yoga as the sun is rising, by the beach.
-Swim in the ocean.
-Bring my mum "Mariachis" on Mother's Day.
-Be a teacher.
-Create my own foundation to help others.
-Create my own brand.
-Sell something and donate everything to charity.
-Learn how to dance Tango.
-Design my own home.
-Invite my friends for a dinner that I cooked.
-Make ice cream.
-Create my own app.
-Inspire others with my story.
-Create a scholarship for people of different ages groups for them to travel. 
-Party in Ibiza.
-Dream big.
This list is a work in process, I'll find more things I want to get done and add them to here, I'll be updating this as I go, you never know when this things may happen, but I'll make sure to capture them and let you know how this goes. Remember to dream big, the sky is not the limit anymore.

Mayte B Marcial

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