TT | The One That Is Always Late

I'm late, it's seems to be a common problem in my life lately. Last week was one of the most stressful and demanding weeks that I ever had, I was waking up earlier than ever and going to bed exhausted, my energy was running low so I did whatever I could to balance out.
I'm writing this on the day, something that's unlike me, I always prepare things in advance so I can have less things to worry about, it helps me feel less anxious when I'm prepared, but this week my creativity was so low that I wasn't able to write things that made sense, I was lost and desperate to find a way out of that office and my life in general, I found it, it's called Friday.
After that I had to look back into my cranky mood, I was mad over everything, I was not being myself, I needed to press reset and go back to my normal self, I was turning into an agenda-girl, I was living from a schedule instead of following my instincts, I was unhappy and tired, I needed to press reset and take a step back.
That's why I'm doing everything last minute, I took two days off everything, I disappeared and relaxed, I left my electronics and agendas locked in order to relax and it worked better than I would imagined, I'm well rested and back to my normal self.
This week my main focus is to finish whatever I have left undone, work and life wise, I have a lot of commitments that have been left behind because I though there were more important things to do, I forgot that you only have one minute to live and after that, it's gone, I'm going to try to remember that everyday so I don't miss anything important, not any more.
Have a great start of the week, a great day and stay smiling.

Mayte B Marcial

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