
Taking care of yourself is maybe one of the hardest tasks there has ever been, it's even harder than taking care of your puppy as it's growing up. Why? Because we think that one cold is nothing, because we say "it's not that bad, I can handle it", when in reality your body is crying for help, telling you to stop once in for all.
We grow up believing that in order to get into a place of success and recognition we should always burn ourselves out to the point in which a cup of coffee isn't enough, in which sleep is something you get every three weeks and holiday is almost a foreign word.
Every day you wake up, plan your day, put a smile on your face and go out into the inclement world, a world that most have said to be brutal to those who are too soft or too weak, you fight for years and years, forgetting meals and anniversaries, spending more time in a cubicle or in front of a screen than you do with your loved ones.
It shouldn't have to be like that, not anymore. Spending time by yourself with yourself, being present in the moment must be a priority, something you must do everyday even if it's just for 5 minutes, because in those five minutes you are going to be able to connect back with who you are, be yourself and forget about everything else. This is the kind of thing that keep you sane.
You shouldn't have to wait until you have to run to the emergency room to take care of yourself and in reality when you see it as an outsider, we spend so much time doing other things, things that don't matter instead of taking care of ourselves which takes little time from our day to day life.
You don't need an overly complicated routine, all you need to do is what feels right for you and your body. I spend 10 minutes every night doing what has worked for me, not more, not less and I've seen more results staying consistent that in having an overly complicated routine.
You get one body, one soul, one brain and you should take care of them, they are the ones that keep you moving. So from now on, eat healthy as much as you can, squeeze a bit of physical activity at least three times a week and spend 5 or 10 minutes by yourself everyday. If you don't care and love what you have now, no one is going to do it later.

Mayte B Marcial

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