WR| It's Out

I don't know where to start, this week was really chilled, I'm on spring break and for the second year on a road I ain't leaving the city. I'm staying in, going out and spending well deserved time with my family and some of my friends.
This year though I had to get one of my wisdom teeth out because it was hurting me as it was coming out and for the sake of my sanity and my parents I decided that instead of suffering I would get it done and move on, as you do.
In my head it was going to be this small procedure, I've had teeth pulled out many times in my life and I know my dentist, he's not one to make my life miserable. I was calm until everyone around me started telling me how bad it was going to be, how much it was going to hurt and how I wasn't going to be able to eat.
My appointment was the last one of the day, my reasoning behind it was that if I did it in that way I was going to be able to have all of my meals and not suffer of hunger the rest of the day. As hours passed by I started getting more and more nervous, the voices of everyone were in my head and not even working out or cleaning my home where taking them off of my mind.
I got there with as clear mind as I could, sat at that chair waiting for him to be done with his other client, listened to music, trying to calm myself and not succeeding at it. When the time came my dentist asked me why I was sweating so much.
As a little note I would want to add here, I'm not over sensitive, I can take pain and usually anestesia kicks off immediately for me and it makes me sleepy and has that douzzy effect on me for hours, he knows it quite well and the dosis he gives me are pretty low.
So when put the topic anestesia to then inject me I was numb, I couldn't feel a thing and less than 3 minutes later he was pulling the tooth out. It took him less than 5 minutes and he was done. I didn't felt a thing and I realised that I should never listen to anyone but him.
Half and hour later I was stitched and ready to head back home. I learned a huge lesson, because it's true what they say, pain is personal and no one can feel it the same way as you.
Today is the next day and of course I feel pain but to be honest it's mild compare to some of the cramps I've dealt with . Nothing that the pain killers can't cure and the best part has been being at home, in bed doing nothing because I had a note from my doctor.
Now I'm still recovering but as I said I'm going to spend the days with my family, resting and recharging for everything that's to come. April is going to be a great one and I have many goals, mostly in the fitness part, I was feeling amazing by the end of February and I want that again and that can only be achieved with 5+ workouts and healthy eating.
I'm excited, a little scared but also in a good place so I'll keep my head in a positive mindset and move on from there, hope you have a good one and remember to keep on dreaming.

Mayte B Marcial

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