May: The Review

May was one of those months you feel challenged by everything and everyone around you, it was one of those months in which you wish things would go differently and even when you try to change them, nothing happens.
The month started quite uninspired, I don't know what has been going on through my mind, but lately I've been finding it really hard to sit down and write, my ideas don't match or don't come out and it only makes me feel frustrated, which usually ends up on me leaving the task for "later" and that later never comes. 
What made it even worst was the fact that we had so many days off from school, I couldn't concentrate, I wasn't able to set a routine and keep up with it, I was being lazy most of the days and the days I really pushed me into doing what I had to do, nothing good would come out, I found myself losing my patience over the tiniest problems.
But one thing that was indeed good this month was the amount of time I spent with family and friends over those days off or the weekends. My social and family life has been in a peak over this past weeks and it feels amazing to spend time with them without worrying about what's next or what else I have to do. 
On the other hand, we also received bad news, the kind of news you kinda already knew, but denied yourself from believing them, the kind of news that change the way you see and treat a person. For two or three days I was a crying mess, a part of my is still in denial, I wish I could do something about it. 
This month was all over the place, it had its bad moments but also good ones. I laughed, I cried, I overslept and under slept, I did some cool things and others I don't feel proud about. Now, I'm craving balance, I really want to spend time with family and friends but also dedicate time to my projects, my new job and school. 
We shall see how June ends up being as I've been working on something to try and balance my life a little bit more. Hope you had an amazing month and a better one that's to come, remember to keep on dreaming. 

Mayte B Marcial

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