A really smart woman once said "Do one thing everyday that scares you", she was talking about comfort zones and how much they can affect you, your productivity, your sense of spontaneity and your creativity.
We live in a time where it's quite easy to lose yourself in between comfort zones, trying different things, but sticking to the ones we feel more comfortable in. We stick to what we know, what we do and we never think about trying something outside the box.
Today I invite you to do something that scares you, like talking to a stranger (just be safe), if you don't understand something ask for help, leave your phone tucked away or as you did yesterday, try something new.
It's going to feel horrible before you start, you are going to feel nervous not knowing what's going to happen, but once you start doing it, you'll be amazed on how good it will make you feel, unless you don't enjoy it, in which case you should keep trying but with something different.
"Do one thing everyday that scares you"Eleanor Roosevelt
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