Organise Your Space

The weekend is ahead of us and it's time to tackle one of the most dreaded tasks, cleaning and organising. Most of us are used to spot cleaning, which means we almost never do a proper clean of our spaces leaving dust and other things pille up under our furniture and unlike many people think, this can really have an impact on your mental and physical health.
Let's start with the obvious you need to go by areas, don't go from room to room trying to fix one thing at the time because you are never going to find an end to that. My advice, start in the bedroom, this way you are going to have a clean room at the end of the day even if you didn't finish everything else. Wash your sheets, comforter and pillow cases, air your pillows and your mattress. It's quite a simple task that can make the room feel cleaner almost instantly.
It's time to dust furniture, clean windows and any surface that can collect dust over time, take your time and once you are done and happy, clean the floors and under the bed, vacuuming under there every once in a while makes a difference and it doesn't take that much time.
Move to the next areas start from the tallest of the furniture to the smallest, remember that dust falls. While you are at this, water your plants and throw away stuff you know you don't need anymore, be harsh with what items you decide to keep, avoid keeping clutter around. Take this time to understand and see what you are really using. 
Clean under your furniture, it may be a hassle but you are going to be amazed at how much junk, garbage and dust can be living under your sofa. By doing this not only are you getting rid of things that can cause you allergies but you can also be preventing future illnesses. Before you are done with this vacuum and mop your floors.
This are the tasks that can certainly take a toll on all of us, they take time and energy but the magic of this is that you don't have to do it every day, let alone weekly, think of it as a seasonal task. Also, remember that having a clean house is going to make you feel so much better about yourself and your home.
Now, it's time for you to enjoy your clean home, and remember, in order to avoid long cleaning days you can always reset your home every night. Get in the habit of putting everything away, where it belongs, it takes 10 to 20 minutes at night and the feeling of waking up to clean home is amazing.
"The objective of cleaning is not just to clean, but to feel happiness living within that environment. "
Marie Kondo

Mayte B Marcial

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