September: TBR

I'm going to start by saying, I haven't been reading much in the past months, I haven't had the energy, time or even motivation to pick a book, until now. I'm behind, I usually have a selection of books I want to talk about or an author that caught my eye, but this time I only have a small selection of books that left me with a positive outcome or I enjoyed a lot. Let's do this once again, shall we?

44 Charles Street, Danielle Steel
F*ck Love, Tarryn Fisher
The Mason List, SD Hendrickson

As much as I love a good N/A book, I've come to a point in which I want more than just a love story, I want to feel the connection with the characters and understand their journey. That's why I've been reading less, I want to read better books, I want to enjoy it more. 
Only one of this books contains mature language, F*ck Love, so be aware and enjoy your reading. 

Mayte B Marcial

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