
Reading is an escape from reality, a way for you to escape what's going on in the real world at the comfort of your own home. Books give you relief, consolation, joy and so much more in just a few pages, you get to enjoy the words of the author, but most importantly, you even find lessons in them.

You should never trust one that doesn't love reading, because for them life will be too short, too boring. You get to enjoy one and many lives more by reading and feeling what other characters are living. You get to learn, live and enjoy through those pages.

Through my years of depression and uncontrolled anxiety I became a hostage of those pages, reading, devouring book after book, relaying of what others had to say, what others were living to maybe find some motivation, something that would cure that pain. 

From there they became my best friends, keeping one safe in my bag at all time, saving old ones from the dump, buying some more from other stores. Giving, lending and recommending people every good book I've read, because they deserve to know that there's so much more out there, much more than they can imagine. 

It became my vice, my personal drug, one that made me feel better, that helped me escape different realities that reminded me how strong a person can be when they want to. 

Every once in a while I would leave it, take a rest, live my own life but it doesn't matter how long or how tedious that break would be, every time I would come back finding another amazing story, another amazing book that would bring me back to the days when I would be able to sit and do it all day long. 

Read whatever you want to read, even if it's bad, even if it isn't for everyone. It doesn't matter how much it takes you, a week, a month, but don't put it down, engage with what others are trying to tell you, to show you and enjoy it. 

One day you will thank that person that recommended you that first book that made you fall in love with those printed words and you should do the same for someone else, it will change something in them. 


Mayte B Marcial

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