March: The Resolutions

Last month I managed to work on a lot of things and accomplish most of my resolutions and given that I want to keep on that same positive path most of them are more likely not going to change, but I'll add a few new ones.
  • Work out four times a week (minimum)
  • Eat less processed foods, or, eat more at home. 
  • Drink up to three cups of coffee a week, not more. 
  • Sleep 7 to 8 hours at night. 
  • Drink two liters of water a day. 
  • Spend as little as 10 minutes either meditating or doing yoga, every day. 
  • Reset my home every night. 
  • Use my BuJo every day so I won't forget anything. 
  • Edit and post more of my pictures. (Fun fact: I have like 30 pictures to post none of I which I have found the "right" time to post)
  • Write my memories with friends, family or by myself. I know someday I'll forget about them so why not share them and keep them safe. 
  • Post 4 to 5 times a week. 
  • Spend at least one day at the library doing research for my thesis. 
  • Study one hour a day.
It seems like a lot, maybe because it is, but I've found that I've done most of this in the course of last month and it didn't seem like a hustle, I enjoyed it a lot and once I realised how good it was for myself everything became even easier. It's about bettering myself and feeling proud about who I am and who I am becoming. 

Mayte B Marcial

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