Take Care

That's a phrase my mum always tells me before I leave the house, along with "Call us when you get home", it's our way of saying how much we care about each other, but this time I'm not focusing on my mother, I'm focusing on the "taking care" part.
My mood change has been talked a lot in the past year or so, I don't know where it has come from but in this past two months or so I've decided that it can't control me and it won't because there's so much I can do to boost it and do something for myself too.
Most of the times my bad mood comes from stress that causes me headaches, messes my sleep pattern and makes me eat crap, little by little all of this starts to build up and it ends up forming this bigger mess than in the beginning, but one thing that I've learned is that you can either turn around and start making better decisions or you can keep going.
There are many ways you can take care of yourself, one being watching what you eat and this doesn't mean you are not going to indulge every once in a while, but make a promise to yourself to eat veggies and fruit at least three times a day, as a snack or in your main dish, you'll be surprised by how much they can add to a plain meal.
Then there's the exercise part, I've been trying to do it for four or five times a week for two years now and I can certainly tell a difference in myself when I commit to it, and if I'm not in the mood for something that's going to exhaust me I found that restorative or mello yoga are the way to go and they really take it to the next level.
But if even with all of this you feel like it isn't enough, take a day for yourself, watch your favourite movie, go out with a friend, stay in bed, tackle that book you've been wanting to read, sleep more, or do something you love, I've found that this is the best way of healing and taking care of yourself. Sometimes all you need is that little bit of free time so you can enjoy yourself and not think about anything else.

Mayte B Marcial

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