Find a New Adventure

I should explain everything before I keep going, but I'm going to save that for later, right now I just feel like continue with this and then explain where life took me this month and what it's planned for the next two couple of months.
Anyway, for the past two weeks we've been working on how you feel inside and outside. Working out and giving our mind to work everything out but today, it's time to do something different, something new, something that scares you. Say yes to more things.
Becoming a "Yes" person isn't something that comes organically, honestly, it can take you years to even come costumed to the idea of coming out of your comfort zone, but the key here is to keep trying and accepting your limits.
Not only is this going to give you a sense of accomplishment, but it will help you to know more about yourself and maybe even overcome fears. It will help you map out your harsh limits and acknowledge what you are avoiding for the sake of avoiding it. It will be an eye opening experience once you start saying yes to all of those things you said no to for so long. 
Start with little things, tackle those things you do as habits like choosing the same food every time you go out or trying new places for the sake of it. Don't overthink it and try to go with the flow and with what feels good to change. As long as you feel safe and it doesn't compromise your integrity, go for it. 
Sometimes things will go wrong but that's part of the learning curve of this. Learning to deal with failure will teach you more than going with the flow and living inside of a bubble. Enjoy your time alone and as always, remember to keep on dreaming. 
"Don't let fear or insecurity stop you from trying new things. Believe in yourself. Do what you love. And most importantly, be kind to others, even if you don't like them. "
Stacy London

Mayte B Marcial

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