
It's been a while and I can't say I'm ready to come back but the more I think about, the more I like the idea of coming back to my little corner of the internet. It's going to take a lot of time adjusting back to this schedule but I'm learning that there's time for everything and doing what I love should always be a priority.
I love writing, I love having the ability to express my feelings through written words and it's no secret that over the past few months I've been struggling a lot to share how I feel not only through here, but also in real life. With everything that has happened I've found myself getting more and more frustrated with life and people.
There are a million and one things I haven't really talked with anyone out of fear, out of shame even but the more I keep them, the more I feel like I'm not living the life I would like to be living right now. It feels like I went back to living those two lives and regressing like that isn't something I enjoy.
I know I have to go through everything, to balance things out, to relieve some of this stress and the best way I can think about is by writing, by taking everything out in a place where I know no one is going to judge me. I've made big mistakes in the past and I want to show everyone and myself how much I've learned from them. It's time for me to grow up.
If you are here you can see there are a lot of changes and there will be more coming, I would love to keep everything as it was but it was time for a refresh, we've been the same for a while and we're about to surpass another year in this space so it was time for a new image and from everything I've done, I think this one may be my favourite.
They reflect the change I'm going through and the more I post, the better it'll look. This marks a new beginning, for me, for this space and for many plans I have ahead of me including new people coming into my stories and teaching me more of everything.
Let's take a deep breath and let the new adventure begin.

Mayte B Marcial

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