Getting our lives "back on track" seems a common goal throughout life but what once you start thinking about it, the idea of it becomes ambiguous and everything becomes about personal interpretation of that phrase. For me it was always about being the most productive person I could possibly be, but as years went by I started to learn that there's more to it. 

Before the idea of having everything clean and organised was the epitome of "having my life together", it worked for a few years, mostly because I had the extra time to keep a house picture perfect but life started to change and the three hours I had to clean started to get replaced by work and school.

Suddenly the idea I had built in my mind about how my life was supposed to look like disappeared and I was left with something new, something I had to figure out from scratch. It was time for me to adapt and keep moving from what I knew and what I wanted to learn. It was time for a new chapter but boy was I lost. 

So, I did what every sane person would do, I freaked out and stayed in my pile of depression for a while. I became a slave of my own self. I wanted to change nothing, if anything I was so stuck in my old ways that I fought to keep them even if they weren't working. I was in between two completely different parts of my life.

This went on for about a year, I was lost on the person I wanted to keep on being that I couldn't really enjoy life as it was happening. I was miserable and didn't know where to start the change, then my dad's health declined and everything I'd been avoiding started hitting me in the face. Reality stuck in a way it hadn't ever before. 

As I'm writing this, I'm a month away from turning 25, reaching that quarter of life and I figured what better way to quick start this new part of my life that with a series of how and why I'm making those changes in my life. This will be more "personal diaries" so instead of having a set schedule, I'll be writing as inspiration strikes. 

I hope you like it and get inspired to maybe change those little things that bother you and make something good out of them. Who knows, there may be more to it than you are seeing.


Mayte B Marcial

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