Of the Bookshelf| Maybe Someday

Sydney thought she had the perfect life, working on the library, living with her best friend and having a healthy relationship with her boyfriend, but not everything is as it seems. The night she loses her job, she also finds out that her boyfriend has been cheating on her with her best friend. But Ridge, the musician living above her building takes her in when she needs it the most. Who knows what would happen between them, maybe someday...
What I liked
  • The relationship between the characters: It's not often that you see two characters getting along without fighting beforehand, it was quite refreshing to see the relationship between Sydney and Ridge scalate from a simple camaraderie to something else, to something they haven't felt in a while. 
  • The difficulties between them: There are many books in which the main character leaves everything to be with the person he/she thinks are right, but in this case there was more in stake and it wasn't as easy, therefore the name of the book. 
  • The plot: Yes, it's based on the Y/A model of books, but it was really well managed in the sense that there weren't any huge problems, it was a more realistic book and not so much over the top. 
What I didn't like
  • The "fall out": Almost every Y/A book has it but in this case it was a lot if you think about all the complications they have through the book, I get why it was there, but it was unnecessary, it made it that bit longer and a bit tedious. 
  • The tragedy: One of the characters suffers before the book starts and it changes the whole tematic, I feel like the way they added those events only made me feel pity for the character and it didn't changed much for me. 
In general it's a good book that presents a bit of a twist on your normal Y/A novel, I would recommend if you want to start with Colleen Hoover books, it's well written, it's light and enjoyable, it barely contains any mature language. 
For me it's a 3.5 out of 5.

Mayte B Marcial

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