
I don't usually write about this on Fridays, I think I've treated this day as a LifeStyle day, I always try to post about my books, photo diaries, food or something along those lines, but this week I didn't knew what to write about, mostly because I usually write it on Mondays and this time I had way too much on my bag, so instead of breaking my head trying to come up with ideas I decided to tell you a little bit about the little changes I've been doing in my life to feel better with everything and overall more organised.
Spring Cleaning is something I started to do about two years ago, I realised that having a lot of everything is not the best, for those of you that don't know I live in an apartment near downtown and it's not a tiny space but you do have to learn how to use it wisely.
Anyway, I realised that having a lot of clothes doesn't mean that I have a better closet, so always the first thing on my list is decluttering and taking out the pieces I don't actually wear, that way I can have a more organized and clean space.
Clear space for clear mind, we all hear people talking about this but we never really pay attention to it, do we? we think it's not true, well it has a part of truth and a part of it is a lie too, people think and work on different ways, for me, having a clean desk, house and room leaves me feeling really great about myself and I actually think I do better when I have those things.
Cleaning is not that hard, most of people I know have this idea that cleaning is hard, well, it becomes hard when you don't do it often, once you let clutter build up, it gets harder, what has worked for me is actually cleaning as I go, not leaving my clothes on the floor, not leaving papers around the house and preparing stuff I know I would need ahead.
Switching stuff up is great way to refresh an space without actually having to but new stuff, I re-arranged my room and bookshelves to refresh my space and not feel like everything is the same, it's quite good for a change.
At last I like to know that all of this things are made because I really like switching things to make myself feel more in control and organised, it may not work for everyone but as it is for me I found it really helpful so far.

Mayte B Marcial

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