Asking for help...

If giving help is hard enough, think how hard is for someone to ask for it.
My pride is huge, I rather get lost, to admit I didn't knew how to get some place, I hate asking for help and that got me into a lot of problems as a teenager ( that I still am ) if it wasn't for my parents and the way they talk to me sometimes I'll probably stay in bed fearing to go out, they got me to ask for help for my anxiety and that's something I really appreciate but to this day I don't think I know how to ask for help.
Our pride is always there to tell us "Don't do it" and we listen to that instead of listening to our common sense, our brain, we don't know everything, we have trouble in different aspects of our life because we are not perfect and it's completely normal. We have the chance to ask other people but we don't do it, we have to let others help us, it really makes our lives easier, we might get judged but we are asking first because we don't know and second because we are brave enough to do it. Don't let anybody tell you that's wrong and really do it, either in class, in life, with your doctor, if you feel like something is wrong, it better to ask than to regret it later.


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