Taking off one of the biggest parts of my life leaves me with a lot of doubts and questions about what I should write about. It worried me as much as it can be worrying you, the one reading this. Where have my passions gone? and how do I get them back?
Reading has been left on a limbo, I either don't have enough time to do it or I don't pay attention. It has taken me up to 2 months to finish a book, something unheard of. If I want to read more, what do I have to do to get my feet wet and start doing it more consistently?
Writing as you can see, has been left aside completely. The amount of effort I have put into this is minimal, which is why posting became harder and harder. I lost my groove and I can only write so much before I start to compromise the content. If I don't feel happy about it, then I won't post it.
Working out has also been fully neglected, I used to be really good at working out 5 days a week, doing yoga, having enough time for myself and now, I don't seem to find enough time to have a proper workout and when I do I can feel my lack of strength and get discouraged really quickly.
This list can go on and on, I've lost the habit of doing a lot of things I used to do to take care of myself and it shows, maybe not in the way I look, because in reality now that I have been working, my physique has changed for good, what I'm missing is a lot of tone.
April is my time to focus on myself. It sounds like a promise I've made in the past, but right now I feel so tired about everything that the only solution I have left is to work on myself or swallow and for some reason spending time working on my mind and body sounds quite attractive.
You can see where I was going with that, I want to post recovery updates but at the same time I want to share daily improvements, those little battle that can really build that road to success or full recovery. April, May and June are going to be esencial, I'm going to have the most amount of time to really work on myself and really make progress without anyone else's interruption. After that summer is going to start and it's going to be rather interesting to say the least.
With a plan and lots of coffee is time to put ourselves to work, if it's not now, then when?
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