Organizing your Life I

One of the questions that pops out a lot from friends and sometimes even family it's how I manage my schedule and how I stay up to day and organised, most of the time I don't have a clear answer because it took me awhile to understand what was going to work for me, but most of the time I recommend starting with the basics, looking for tips and working your way from there.
Here's a reality, what works for you today, may not work for others or even for you tomorrow, life changes and you evolve, which is good but that also means that as much as you are going to want to stick to one system, you may have to adjust in the future in order for it to work to your expectations. 
Do your research, there are many tips and systems being created out there for you to try, in most of them you are going to have the freedom to mold it to your needs, which is what is going to make it either a total hit or a complete lost in your books. 
One of the biggest ones right now, that I use too, is a Bullet Journal, which is an analog system that lets you set everything you need in one notebook and let you creativity go with what you want to have in there, you can have different sets and different collections. You can start getting more information here.
Modeling a system to your needs can be really hard when you go in blank, so go to different platforms and look how others have changed it in a way that worked for them and look it as inspiration to create your own. My biggest advice in this cases is to let you creative self go wild, go simple at first but build it from there, you may find it to be a relaxing outlet for you.
I've been bullet journaling for about 2 years now and I can say that it wasn't until about six months ago that I was fully happy with everything that I was doing and the method was starting to work for me and my needs, it's nothing fancy, it's more on the functional side but it works for me and I enjoy sitting every night to fill in my next day. 
Organising your time may seem like a hustle, but once you start, there's no going back and it feels good to be that person that knows where to go at what time and not be lost around, but to each their own, don't let anyone talk you into being organised because to be honest, it's not for everyone. 

Mayte B Marcial

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