Will this matter...?

Will this fight matter in 4 months time? Is it really worthy to spend time and energy fighting over this? This are the questions that someone asked me when I told him that I've been fighting with my dad over little things lately.
Sometimes we get caught on the heat of the moment and say things we don't really believe, we say them because we want to win, we want to almost hurt the other person to show that we are better, that we are right, that the other person has been living in a mistake until now.
Or sometimes we are the one that's getting hurt by what others tell us, we get so sensible that we let everything get us, we believe that everything that person is saying is real, when in reality, it's all part of the anger of the moment.
I'm a very sensitive person, you know when something is bothering me by looking at my face, I wear my heart on my sleeve and in times of anger I tend to cry, because I get so overwhelmed that I can either cry or stay and say things I don't believe.
The reality is that as much as you know you are right, you have to respect what the other is saying, everyone has it's own point of view and it's completely valid, not everyone is going to think the same way as you do, everyone is going to have some type of argument to win back.
It's okay to argue, it's completely normal, as I said, everyone has different points of view, but there's a difference between arguing, knowing the facts and just plain attacking someone else, that's when you hurt and it gets personal.
So the next time you are arguing with someone, think, Is it worthy? Am I right? Will this matter in a year? and if the answer to at least one of them is NO, take a step back, take a deep breath and be the big person, don't let the fight get to a point of no return, walk away if necessary and talk about it when you've cool down, you'll find an answer quicker and easier.
Fighting is never a good thing.

Mayte B Marcial

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