HowTo| Clear Your Mind

Having a clear mind has become an essential thing for many reasons, to help me sleep better, to help me concentrate in the task I have in front of me, to even feel better and more accomplished, but the most important being to help with my anxiety.
Sometimes we don't realise how much we have on our backs until we have something else to do, sounds weird, but when you get into a new project you have to go with a clear mind, there's no mixing up, worrying about other things, because most probably you are going to not give you 100% and your heart is not going to be in that work.
We never understand why multitasking is so bad until we see how much it can affect our work, even when you have mastered this task, it doesn't mean that you are going to do better, it only means that you have learn how not to do things.
There are many things you can do to clear your mind, most of them are really simple but we never think about them and if we do think about them, we never use them, here are some of them.
Write down what's bothering you, we tend to carry problems from our past to our future, they all are a burden, they are part of your past and that's where they all belong, sometimes we do this because we didn't find closure, writing them down helps to express how you feel about it, no one is going to judge you for this, leave it in paper and move on.
Make lists, everyone loves a good list, when you have a busy day or even a normal one is good to sit down and think what you want to do and how you want to do it, leave it in paper, you won't be stressing about remembering everything and you'll be able to focus on one thing at the time.
Unwind, take breaks, make yourself a cup of tea and relax, when you have had a tough day, getting to a familiar space where you can unwind helps a lot, don't force yourself to work when you already had enough, it only brings stress to your life. If it's urgent enough for you to have to do it on the spot, take a few minutes, take deep breaths, calm yourself and continue.
Talk, have a chat, it doesn't have to be about your problem or whatever is bothering you, talking with someone you know helps you feel less stressed, try having a small chat in between classes to let your mind relax a bit.
In case you happen to have more time, there a few more options.
Yoga has been my savior, it's been mentioned a lot this days here, but it really allows you to disconnect and focus on little things we don't think about, like our breathing and how important it is to maintain it steady and just let things go.
Run/Walk is one of those things you never give much attention to, but once you actually do it, you will see how much it works to give you a clear mind and help you to relax, plus you'll release dopamine and you'll be happier.
Take a shower, after a long day, then get into your comfiest pajama, make a cup of tea and pick a good book or movie, just let everything go in that shower and let you body relax and I assure you, you are going to have a better night sleep.
At last, I would love to remind you to not multitask, if you know you mind can be overloading, don't pressure it any more, focus on one thing, don't put unnecessary pressure over your shoulders, it may seem like something temporary but the more you do it, the more you get used to it, the more is going to bring consequences into your body.

Mayte B Marcial

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