WR| Catching Up

Coucou! Welcome back, this is your usual hostess, coming to you from the comfort and craziness that my home is right now, I have a crying baby, a professional talk and a couple on the background, what a lovely way to start a weekend and spring break, but it hasn't been like this all week.
Let's go back to Saturday when it all started, we had a lovely family gathering planned thanks to my grandma's birthday, we had a long way to go and a long way back, but the time we had there was amazing, we had time to talk and enjoy their company.
Sunday was to make everything we didn't do on Friday or Saturday, so I didn't had as many time to enjoy and relax as I would want to, so with all of the pain in my heart I had to go to bed just in time to have a full time of sleep before Monday.
Monday was when the actual craziness started, I had to catch up with homework and paper work, it seemed like I was out for two weeks, I don't know how gone I was to not notice any of this happening around me, but at least I had another reason to get organised.
Tuesday was when my life started to take shape and actually make sense, with a clear mind and a tidy place I had the opportunity to really get to work, but my body was too tired for me to continue, so before I knew it I was taking a nap that made me lose half of my day.
Wednesday was what I would call normal, I had early classes, early meals and an afternoon filled with homework, work, blog work and another unplanned nap.
Thursday was interesting, my body was too worn out to go out, so I actually went to school to two classes and then headed back home, I wanted this day to be quite similar to my Wednesday but luck wasn't going to be on my side, my parents planned an outing so I had to do my things in a rush and then go with them, which took a big part of my night, that left me with less time than usual.
Friday the end of the week, the day that marked the beginning of my spring break, I was so excited, yet so hesitant of this day that I didn't fully enjoyed it. I had to go to four early classes where I was left with a ton of extra work for vacation days, but at the end I was free and the rest of my Friday was quite the same from there, lunch with my parents and fix some phone issues with my mum.
So, today is Saturday and out of nowhere, part of my family decided to come to spend time here, at our place, don't get me wrong, I love my family, but this week the only thing I want to do is sleep. Even with that I enjoyed their company and the time we spent together.
I'm really praying to have a nice, not so rushed, relaxing week, but at this point of my life, I don't know anything. Have a great night, a wonderful week and keep on dreaming.

Mayte B Marcial

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