Christmas Traditions...

When it comes to Christmas I never know what to expect because my family has very small traditions and every year is different but we still hold to some of them.
  • Avoid cooking!: I'm terrible at cooking but my family is quite good the awful part is that we almost never cook, we had pizza one time... 
  • Drink: I know is weird to accept that we drink but we enjoy some glasses of wine that doesn't hurt anyone. 
  • Dance: Another that sounds weird but we don't do it that often, you'll be amazed.
  • Stay up late talking: As I said we usually don't have the time to do it so this is a perfect opportunity.
  • Watch cartoons: My cousins are the same age as me and we enjoy watching silly cartoons when everybody is in bed.
  • Say something stupid: I know is a song but in December we tend to drop the bombs with our family, like: I have a baby! (My cousin) or I have a boyfriend (ME) or even a funny. Usually the one dropping the bombs is me and not everyone is about me being a relationship, it can also be about a job or school or some crazy decision that I took.
  • Watching me sleep: Another weird one but It happens every year! When I wake up someone is staring at me and it freaks me out a lot and no one wants to tell me why they do that.
And finally our favourite or at least mine, is being with them at least one day of the year, without stress, without jobs, just us.
My family is not perfect and that is the thing that I love the most, they are always going to be there for me, no matter what, no matter when, I'll always have them and although they annoy me sometimes I understood that I wouldn't be were I am if I didn't had them. I love them to pieces. (When I talked about fear I talked about family but here I'm talking about different members).

Have a merry Christmas!
Thanks for reading!

Mayte B Marcial

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