I've been talking with my long time friends, the ones that have been with me for years and through a lot of things, most of them are changing mayors or just really happy with their careers or their lives, I'm happy about them, I really am but all of that talking got me thinking about me, about where I'm going.
Don't get me wrong, I love my mayor more than I expected when I got in, I've learned a lot of things, I've meet many amazing people in there and all of this while doing something I understand and I like, but that's my problem, my mayor has not been a challenge for me, I haven't had to fight or challenge myself in anyway, of course I learn new things all the time, but they are related to things I already knew, do you understand?
I want to end, that's one of the things I know, but a part of me also wants to change, to try something different, I think that's one of the main reasons of my change to French last year, I didn't even knew how to say "Moi" correctly, it was a challenge something that was unknown for me, another part of me hates that I have this idea on my mind, because what if I change and I suck and I regret it.
One thing, I won't be changing and not because of fear, but because even when I crave something different, I still get excited when I have a practice, when I can take my knowledge to practice, I'm happy doing that, it's just that I don't see myself doing that all my life.
All of this has a purpose I swear, I wanted to share this because most of teens, young adults and even adults struggle with this at some point in their life, of course there's people that have a plan, a dream and they go after it and they love it, I admire them, a lot, but not everyone is like that.
It's okay to have a plan, to follow what you think is the right thing for you, but it's also okay not to follow it or to go on another direction, no one should get mad at you, no one should tell you anything because you are the only one that knows how it feels, how you feel.
If you don't have a plan, it's okay too, don't let anyone tell you otherwise, you are braver than most of us, because you figure it out as you go, if you feel lost, that's okay too, life is about hitting and missing, the most important thing is to keep trying, don't give up if something doesn't works for you, you'll learn about yourself and about what you want to do.
Remember that college is not for everyone and that everyone has a talent, you just have to search it, ask, research and never give up please. But most importantly, whatever your decision is, do it for yourself, never let others tell you what your path should be, you are the one that is going to be doing that, so no one has the right to decide for you.
As for what it is right now, I'm going to stick with my mayor because I love it, but I'm going to search for other things to do as I go, it's okay to change at some point, who knows I might never work with anything related to my mayor.
My point here is for you to not let others tell you what you should do, what you should become, your future is in your hands and no one else has the right to take it away from you, if you don't know what to do, try different things, you'll find something at some point, you have a talent, everyone does, keep trying, never give up.
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